In Tavern Talk, the drinks you mix affect an adventurer as they ready themselves for a quest, almost choosing what they do for them.
You have a lot of power as a bartender, as the drinks you mix change the strength, stealth, logic, and other stats that each adventurer has. These drinks change how they take on quests or go about the rest of your day, so there is a lot of power in them. Often, when a customer comes in, they have a specific stat they are aiming for, along with a number of liquids that stat needs. The rest is up to you. You can pick drinks from a recipe book and then start tinkering around with liquids to match the recipe. Once the drink is done, it’s served. If you make a mistake, you do get to feed the potion to a weird frog guy.
Tavern Talk has a fun cast of characters who all feel unique and interesting, making you want to invest in their adventures and help them out in the only way that you can. While your drinks have an important effect on the adventurers, you can ..